saturn in aquarius tarot

July 24 to August 23. I decided I am going to have all of these little things printed as it is much easier to refer to them that way for me and I can make notes. Hi Jessica we all have Saturn somewhere, so perhaps that is so in your case. This area of your life is where the instability has been since 2018 and will be until 2026, as Uranus goes through Taurus. Take your time deciding. Saturn is about to go into Pisces and your Twelfth House, natally, using the Natural House system. During your Saturn Return in Aquarius, youll grow to understand your role in your family dynamics. Health. The heavy restrictions, barriers and stuck feeling with Saturn vanishes in March 2023. Im a libra with stelliums in Virgo and sag too and wanted to ask if you could please take a look at my chart and give any advice on how to navigate this year/the coming years with all that is going on. Instead, your Saturn Return in Aquarius is telling you to find your footing with your crew or put together a new squad. Your Saturn Return is typically as you approach the age of 30 and deal with marriage, which restricts you to one partner for the rest of your life. You see I have never had children and to be honest have never spent much time with infants or teenagers. Moon My natal Saturn and Venus are literally on top of each other and in the 7th house AND in Cancer. He digs his heels in. You turn your apartment into a cage. Okay, so Virgo is about the mind, body and spirit together. 13 Sagittarius 03 Thank you for all you do. Saturn and (something) together. I always feel bad commenting as you have so much traffic on your page already, but i have stelliums in both Aquarius and Pisces, I have a Saturn ruled chart so restriction and learning from it is nothing new to me, my partner and I both Pisces Suns would love to buy a house this year, I am hoping within the coming months, do you see this being possible? I do have a stellium in Virgo and my 29* Leo sun is awfully close as well. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. The answer, deep down, lies in your resistance to paid work, housework, study and unpaid work. With Saturn about to go into my 2H in Pisces, would that be a good transit for me? You have the South Node, Diana and Descendant in Leo in the Fifth House of parenthood. Between March and June 2023 you will see what it feels like to be ambitious, successful and accomplished, without having to think about who or what is top dog all the time. Hello Jessica This Saturn post was picked up by Google so even though its quite old, its now tipping nearly 300 questions. The group may have been a club, society, association or other network. Groups are super-spreader events where infection with the virus spreads. Status. I have stelliums in Aquarius and Pisces. Well, Saturn is going into Pisces and your Twelfth House, so nothing to do with foreign countries, partnerships or conflicts. This is especially easy to do if you use whole sign houses: just count however many signs from your rising sign to Aquarius to get the house number. It made me realize why I went through a deeply deppressing situation during my Saturn return. Other lovers are cut off. Itll be good if Saturn is renamed to a happy planet or atleast a happier one than as currently named. Ive been talking to you about how Saturn in Aquarius, then Pisces, coincided with The Black Death. Saturn in astrology often shows up for people who dont seem to use it. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn results in professional flux until 7th February when at last you, your husband and your colleagues and employers will know where you stand. With Saturn in Aquarius, the people will work hard to achieve this vision. Its on that level. Another sexually transmitted virus. This is the sign of This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Saturn in Aries in the First House is a symbol of restriction, heavy limitations, barriers and obstacles which surround your appearance, reputation and title. The barriers come down and instead you find you are issued a challenge how powerful do you want to be? Wondered, would you have time to take a look at my birth chart? Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Loved reading this article, Jessica! Years of relentless issues about work, unpaid work, academia end in March. What is your take on Yods? Thanks so much Jessica. None of us like Saturn with all his restrictions, but he is back in Pisces and we have to deal. What does the Saturn in Aquarius transit mean Your daughter and grandchildren are thus part of the story of karma, which ends in July 2023. The interesting thing is that I am now so grateful it happened I was trying to build a life with who I now realise is a narcissistic psychopath but back then I was very deluded and in love with dreams not reality. I am so curious about the meanings of the planets, but also what each one means for each sun sign. I paid for it yet not able to catch it live. Any new decisions you make in March should be looked at very carefully for their implications. 15 Scorpio 54 57 This is the sign of the Architect who can picture in their minds eye a new vision that can then be made manifest. My brother is a strong Virgo Stellium (11 factors including 7 deg Sun, 4 deg Venus, 23 deg Uranus, 19 deg Pluto, 22 deg Juno, 3 deg Ceres, 27 deg IC, 11 deg Apollo, 20 deg Panacea, 7 deg Ops, 14 deg Mercury) and had relapse for depression since late 2020. Just because I am aware of how bad it is out here. I appreciate your response. Thus, the duet or duel now in front of you, may well be the story later on and it will be karmic in nature. And how did you get through? But Saturn will always replace what he takes away with something in much closer alignment with our true spirit. Happy New Year. I have just started tia learning journey to help me understand why Ive struggled in my marriage. In some ways, I have the sense of having made it safely through a very long storm. You have an excellent opportunity staring you in the face with work, unpaid work or study. If you feel a ball and chain, entrapment and suffocating, your chart can help. Thank you very much for your effort. Either way, Im sure it will make some waves! Your family tree will enjoy better growth and longevity because of that. Anway, he does fit the description to a t minus the drugs in alcohol which I PRAY to God never become a part of his life. Country. 14 R You are solely responsible for what you post. Twenty-three people were killed on May 25, 1917, by a tornado that Saturn is an outer planet in astrology that rules over discipline, structure, and boundaries. The world is yours! 1992-1994 was pivotal in my life, but quite a mixed bag. Since Saturn is the slowest moving of all the visible planets, he spends the longest time in each sign by far, for which reason his ingressions into news signs are very big deals, and herald a lot of change and new developments. The more I read of your explanations the more I understand and can start to put the pieces together for myself. It takes Saturn 28-30 years to complete its orbit of the zodiac. Thanks to your husbands chart, you will be delighted with the new home you choose, from May 2023 to May 2024, when you realise you have more to enjoy than you first thought. And how will this transit affect us? If your birth date falls in either of those ranges, youre officially becoming an adult (according to astrology). It is also a statement about the impact of Covid on doctors, nurses and hospital beds. His lifestyle, workload and way of life his wellbeing is also in the zone for tremendous change from May 2023 when at last the opportunities for improvement are there, along with quite a radical reshaping of what was there before. Can I ask your take on this please? She wants to visit this year, interstate, and I suspect its a farewell of sorts, which is fine except that for her, having had chemo and then travelling in a COVID rich environment is literally asking for it. is this a good thing or is trouble ahead? With that in mind, based on your paragraph re conjunctions- my natal Mercury in aquarius conjuncts transiting Saturn and Venus on the 22nd of January. Wish you give me some specific tips according to my chart. I wondered if his luck changes for the better with his Aquarius heavy chart? Your health must come first, nothing else matters. Thank you. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Thank you for a wonderful overview about Saturn. Thank you. Saturn returns essentially mark the end of a 30-year-cycle in your life, while also setting you up for the next 30 years. Virgo rules your lifestyle, daily eating and drinking habits, daily exercise, sleep hygiene, levels of mental health and so on. May 2023 to May 2024 brings opportunities to expand and improve your home life or family ties and after all you have been through you deserve that Jupiter sextile. Eventually Jupiter will go into Cancer and form a conjunction with Saturn; that would be your reward for all the work. An example of the principle exemplified by Saturn in Aquarius could be Thomas Eddison the inventor of the lightbulb. You have that Libra stellium in your natal chart in the Seventh House of sexual partnership, along with transiting Pluto in Capricorn in the Seventh House of sexual partnership, since the year 2008. Know that youre on your way to living your best life. With Saturn by sign and house, we are shut in and blocked, or shut out and locked of situations. The Romans associated Saturn with a Golden Age, which arrived when he took the scythe which had castrated his father, and used it to educate Italian farmers about agriculture. It is very important to put your health (on all levels) first, from March 2023. It got me pretty teary as I look back at my saturn return in my late 20s and just think scorched earth all my hopes and dreams were ripped from me and I felt seriously suicidal. The pandemic, Covid-19, has limited our social lives. Thank you. Hi Jessica, I am enjoying all your posts and really look forward to them. Thats really all it is. thank you for this beautiful article. I dont know if that was under influence good stars. If so, Saint Valentines Day (February 14th) 2024, 2025, 2026 takes place with Saturn going backwards and forwards in your solar Seventh House of marriage, common-law marriage, separation and divorce. It becomes more important, when tied into aspects to other factors. Or is this Mars retrograde firing up us all up? Hi Jessica Its just astrological common sense to be aware of the same cycle, centuries later. At it best, your Virgo side will give you a daily life you really enjoy, no matter if it is important work that you craft and perfect, for others, or a fresh food open air market. You have been through this before, so you know what to do. I am kind of astounded and rendered speechless. Separating us from the heavens are seven concentric spheres, one ruled by each of the seven traditional planets. And personally, I have a stellium in virgo, as I am new with asteroids and having cupido and panacea in piscis and six factors in virgo, what should I expect from saturn? I might be imagining it but I feel like they think I am flakey. I am having such a difficult time on my new job. A good way to think about Aquarius is the difference between the head of the Church of England (the monarch) and the Archbishop of Canterbury and the congregation. Proserpina Saturn in astrology is often seen as a teacher. I am sorry you were driven out of your own country. The original phrase is from Galatians 6.7 in the Bible, Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.. In March you will lose the barriers to friendship (the real thing) as all sorts of things change and you wake up to realise that you are around people who are quite powerful. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 all saw Saturn in Pisces. More planets Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Wellbeing. Your Saturn Return is like the ringed planet telling you its time to get your life together and become a responsible adult. or is it 2024? Thank you. Dont just wander into, say, a mortgage or a contract. How do I prepare for this? Thank you, Jessica. Transiting Proserpina conjunct Salacia at 29 Capricorn, which also trines Pluto and Venus in Virgo He will be offered a sensational career, academic or unpaid work opportunity from May 2023 to May 2024 and it will set him free. Ive given up trying to wrestle my world into the shape I prefer, because Ive discovered that doesnt work. It is very important that you do whatever it takes to look after yourself and make it your business to update yourself on your own good health. Okay, so your Virgo signature in the Sixth House is about your own health, as well as the health of others. Thats typical. Do you feel the movement of Neptune might be a good, bad, or neutral event for him in 2026? Parameters If youre a Leo rising, Saturn will be transiting your 7th house; if youre a Gemini rising, it will be your 9th, etc. Travel later. Dear Jessica: A great deal is possible after May. My new start date is mid-March. I am sorry you have been going through challenges and I am happy to help with your horoscope. Saturn presents as being locked out, or locked in. Liz Greene is generally considered to have written the best book on Saturn for astrologers. Can you please advise if I can see this class if taped Saturn will be in opposition, so you need to be far more proactive than usual. Those restraints and thresholds will be replaced by a completely different situation, on March 24th 2023, when Pluto enters Aquarius. As a fixed, air sign, Aquarius is all about considering innovative ideas, while also keeping a sense of tradition in place. I am not a current member as had to cancel due to costs this year but hope to re join next year sorry. Tap into that part of you which came here not just to learn your own lessons and have your own experience, but to liberate all beings from suffering. I am sorry you are having a tough time, but there are a lot of different answers for that. You have a stellium there from 2 through 26 degrees of Virgo, in your Sixth House of wellbeing and workload. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius will form a conjunction with your natal Mercury in the Eleventh House of groups and friends. Saturn comes back again, if you are lucky, another 29.5 years into the future. Im afraid I dont know of any astrologer who uses my methods. Every 27 to 29 years, Saturn comes back to where it was in the sky when you were born. In fact, he is more than anything the force that tears down structures, laying waste to whatever kingdoms we have built for ourselves, whether that be our own ego and self-perception, or the way weve ordered our life around us. Before looking at your natal chart, though, lets talk about your Sun Virgo prediction. It was taken by Steven Meisel and many stargazers I know sat up and took notice of this great example of Saturn in astrology. These, The statue of the god in the Temple of Saturn had his legs and feet covered with bands of wool which were removed only on December 17th, the day of the. You may already have changed your life because of it but you might have to do so again. Conversely, if your love life is going amazingly well, then consider putting a ring on it. Networks. Then he stops. Scything, or old-fashioned mowing by hand, is circular in motion. I am sorry you have anxiety and depression. The core issue is always about work, service and duty. But also, exciting? Hi Jessica, Im a cancer sun sign and Saturn In Aquarius has been quite rough to say the least, could you please give me some insight on how Saturn changing signs will affect me? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Since that time, Ive worked on becoming more loving, accepting, grateful, intuitive (without being overwhelmed), and attuned to the world around me; and am less inclined to beat my head on those brick walls. What happens in March and following means it will be necessary to have rules. In this feature I will show you how Saturn has operated while he has been in Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friends and groups. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with stelliums in Sagittarius, Libra and Scorpio. Saturn is at 24 again now presently. Much appreciated. Thank you. I am sorry your daughter married the wrong man. Dont need Saturn at all in mine and my fams lives. If you have natal factors on these degrees in Pisces and/or Virgo then its personal. The ship in the background is your clue here. 27 Aries 15 56 R It is really important to take fear aside and look at it. Part of Fortune: Signs, Meaning, Birth Chart. I learn so much. March 17th to October 11th 2023 During this period he will also be exploring neighbouring regions and the local area in a new way. Its good to be aware of how you honestly feel about work, housework, unpaid work, study and correct anything, rather than let it get to the point where you have symptoms which achieve things for you. Anyone else perhaps :)). He also has 2 Yods in his chart. Hi Jessica. This also touches on the questioning family theme of 2023 and you will be drawn into that, as Saturn joins Neptune quite publicly in your solar Fourth House. Transiting Saturn will eventually move to 20, 21 Pisces and trine this natal Saturn-Minerva conjunction. This is more important as the South Node transiting 20, 21 Scorpio marks the 2020s for you. Saturn in astrology is sometimes a long lifetime experience. A virtual hug. Saturn in Taurus. Thank you Jana. We had booked to go to Italy for the month of May but will be cancelling that trip now. They both address health and self-healing. Thank you Alexia. You have found a holiday from reality by avoiding real lovers and dwelling in your imagination: films, books and television can help. Some branches may not be there forever. Yet the Twelfth House rules the subconscious mind, the spirit, soul and psyche so it is often invisible to other people, though I expect it felt quite onerous to you, on your first Saturn Return. The latter seems likely given you talk about a ball and chain. The worldwide web has been random, chaotic, confusing, confused and a total escape for you. Cheers, Kate. We have been here before, around 29 years ago. Yod, North Node in 10 Libra Today, Pisces is about spirituality as a whole, across all faiths. thank you Jessica. Im not sure if Saturn in Pisces will be easier, but at least it forms trines and sextiles with my stelliums, so hopefully those aspects will be easier. In 1992, AIDS became the leading cause of death for American men aged 25 to 44. Capricorn in one book says it rules India and we know their influence. It also rules the subconscious mind, so hypnosis, therapy and counselling. Saturn is best handled by asking older, more experienced people what to do. I have to find a balance and I guess this cycle will help me Thank so much Jessica. I read something about barricades and I thought the shackles would be coming off especially around the idea of home and where this is. He has a huge Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of work and wellbeing. You can email me to set one up, or book one through the contact page. 05 Gemini 30 Your Saturn is in conjunction with Fortuna, trine Juno and aspects the North Node and South Node as well. Not working in smoke-permissive spaces and not having a smoker for a lover. Virgo rules the Sixth House of your chart and that describes your physical state. Saturn is the wild, untamable forces of spirit which tear down structures and individual ego. It can work the other way too. The years 2023 and 2024 end the politics with one or more partners, former partners and so on. Apollo Back then AIDS became the biggest killer of younger Americans. Many calculations have been made (financial, logistical) to make this jump and the retraining takes a lot of time, but I like the work. The ending in March is either because you have a new role, or a new project or because you hear that someone has been sacked or resigned. Part of that may be Saturn in Aquarius. Natal Hygeia @24 Aquarius 32 conjuncts Venus and Saturn on/near 22 Jan, I would love for you to give me some tips, cheers. 27 Capricorn 04 The new things will be freedom and independence, and it will go on happening for the next four years. Saturn can be depressing because if you stuck inside a situation, it can feel as if the walls are pressing in on you. Oohh wowyou are so spot on! They usually turn up when you are named in a will, or your legacy names others. You will feel closure, however this pans out. Ideals, perfection, and absolutes will become more important to all of us, as well as finding concrete steps to make them tangible, forming heaven on earth eventually. The pressure you feel is actually more about your husband and the marriage than anything else. So have a look at what you need to do, from March. Thank you. You are a Sun Taurus with stelliums in Virgo, Aries and Pisces. I am certain Ive pulled that one for him before. would he be good in a managerial role? If you look at the paintings, sculpture and art work portraying Saturn over the last 2000 years of Western civilisation (founded by the Romans) you will find Saturn with a scythe; Saturn decorating clocks; Saturn holding an hour-glass. What you find out, or even what you dont find out, helps you and protects you. And a plan. 32 R Saturn came into Aquarius and AIDS, in the door. You really do have such fabulous insights thank you for sharing! A change in the balance of power. Its the same as you leave your fifties. The new variant of Covid is resulting in crisis. You see the restrictions end with groups and friends (Aquarius) but new restrictions with religion and spirituality (Pisces). Many people equate Saturn with structure, since his liminal nature gave him an association with borders and boundaries. Hi Jessica. The planet Saturn rules over time, wisdom, and boundaries, prompting many of these themes to become significant upon the return of Saturn to its natal position in your birth chart. Saturn in opposition to Virgo factors is a heavy and prolonged challenge affecting how we work; how we do the housework; how we look after pets; how we volunteer; how we look after our mental and physical health. The latter I have always regretted. I have probably been Neptunianly escapist , hiding from the public a bit recently, but, as Saturn goes into Pisces does this mean I might face that ringed- in or fenced out scenario, as a Gemini? Fascinating post as usually. hi Jessica, my 3rd saturn return in pisces 2023. All of that! Cupido When you see the usual boundaries, dont try to climb over them or crash through them. Thank you. Limits A juxtaposition. If time allows kindly look at my chart and let me know when and if the tide turns ito my daughters. From this we also get chronology, chronological order and the idea of having to wait for things to change. This is fantastic, been meaning to try to understand Saturns role in my chart and this is really insightful! Virgo-Pisces is commonly associated with HIV-AIDS because Pisces is organised religion, like the Roman Catholic church, and Virgo is epidemics or pandemics. I would like to thank you for your work. You express your personality through groups and friends, but are always slightly set apart from everybody. Your sexual partnerships and professional partnerships are the headline story here. In astrology the subconscious (Pisces) opposes your health (Virgo) so if you had issues with your fitness to serve you may have been obtaining time off, or time out, for yourself. Hailing from a long line of spiritual healers, Lisa has been practicing astrology professionally for over 15 years but has been studying the stars all of her life. Your husbands Sun at 11 Pisces is in his Twelfth House of self-help, religion, psychics, therapy, spirituality, meditation and the invisible inner life. Can you please provide me some insights for Saturn in Pieces in my Courtship/Children house or in my Career/Position being a Scorpio sun? Meditation will help some insights on this for you. However, with the Saturn conjunction, does that block or cause difficulties with using Minerva? We did okay. One look at the tables and you can see that Saturn was also going from Aquarius to Pisces in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994. His metal is lead and a Saturn transit can feel very heavy, as you remember from last time. If not really but groups, clubs, associations, good causes, societies, Twitter is you have an Aquarius. Saturn will be in Pisces, March 8th 2023 to February 14th 2026 and again, we will see God given boundaries. After my first encounter I am worried! Please contact Support again about your blank email I am sorry about that! Hi Jessica,I am very interested in replies on this page,because I am wondering if Saturn in Aquarius could be responsible for all that has happened to me since I was taken into hospital with Covid on March 21st 2021.I am a Sagittarius born at 6a,m. reincarnated in danmachi webnovel,

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saturn in aquarius tarot